Just about us !

And some complaining here and there ...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Tired as HELL !!

That's right ... for all those who are thinking of buying a house.
Think twice. Better yet, think a couple of more times.
There is A LOT of work to be done !

We just finished hooking up all our appliances yesterday. Unpacking of the boxes was quite a task too. Also, making a couple of trips to and from the Canadian Tire store became a hobby as I would always forget to pickup something.

Anyways, I'm pooped and finally got to take a break last night to celebrate Chinese New Year's with my family and then Janny's family tonight.

Till my next blog ... will do the house warming party thing a little later as we need furniture. However, feel to free to drop by anytime. Just send an e-mail and we'll send over a map.

Friday, January 27, 2006

moved IN !!!

We are finally in the house. It has been a hectic 2 days.
Tired as hell and still lots to do. The boxes seem endless !!

I'll write more later this week but here are some pictures I snapped this morning.

Monday, January 23, 2006

P... D ... I ... completed !

Stands for Pre-Delivery Inspection.

This was done last Friday and overall, it went well.
No major defects.

Just a couple of items:
-paint touchups on walls and trim
-missing toilet seat on the main floor (yes, really!)
-loose kitchen faucet
-knob fell off pantry door
-2 pieces of slightly cracked hardwood
-a dented door knob
-one bedroom door that was dragging on the carpet
-one bathtub faucet not working properly

We pickup the key today and move on Wednesday.
I'll try to snap a couple of pictures of the house tonight and tomorrow
before we move our stuff in.

Until then ...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Almost all packed up ...

It took us from 10am till 5 minutes before midnight today but we are pretty much done packing.
Just a couple of things (i.e. TV, PC, sofa, bed, clothes, etc.) have been left unpacked to keep us going till the 25th. Well, I'm done ! Janny is still working away in the kitchen cleaning up everything she can so that it will look brand spanking new when she takes it out of the box at the new house. I think she is really into this packing thing cause she has "Janny's Greatest Hits 1995 to 2005" blasting away on the PC speakers right beside me.

For those of you who have been to our apartment, even the enclosed balcony (which we call our "storage room" has been emptied out. Light actually shines INTO the apartment now.

Man, a lot can fit in 750 sqft ! That just means that when we move into our 2150 sqft house, it will look really really really empty. I guess we'll have to fill'er up with furniture. The appliances get delivered from HomeShow the same day we move. Cook ?!?!? No way ! Take out or eat out it is ! Also got Rogers to hook up the cable and internet that same day too. Can't live without TV but I'm sure we'll be too busy to watch. The background noise will suffice.

Anyways, a couple more pictures to show proof that progress has been made for those non-believers. And no, I didn't just rearrange a couple of boxes around the apartment to make it look like we have more packed ! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

It has started ...

That's right, the moving has started. Of course, I've been the one who's been doing most of the packing :P

Janny says that she'll wait till Saturday. I think she's just overwhelmed by all the empty boxes in our tiny 750 sqft apartment.

Stay tuned for moving day !

Trip to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, San Francisco, Los Angeles

This was the mega-roadtrip through southwestern US in 10 days flat during the xmas & new years break.

We just kept driving and driving and driving and driving and driving and driving and driving .... oh yeah, the trip is over ... my mind is still behind the steering wheel.

Anyways, other than the driving and some very rainy weather in LA, we survived the trip. Vegas was a favorite spot of ours but the Grand Canyon exceeded our expectations. San Francisco is a beautiful city and LA, well, LA was all about the food since our friend's family (Thanks Marina and Sam !) cooked up a storm for New Years Eve.

Here are some highlights from the trip:

More Pictures

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It's up ...

These pictures are from November 2005 and the house is up and almost completed.

From the picture in June to this in November?
Not too shabby.
I can't take anymore pictures of the house as they have locked the doors since November in order to work on the inside. By the looks of it, January 23rd is looking good.

Ground breaking .....

This is from June 2005 and look .......the foundation is in !!
What a relief ! From nothing to this !

After waiting 1.5 years, we have something we can call home. Okay, wait, not yet (unless we pitch tents) ... but we're almost there.